
Making Calls Using Speed Dial on your Cisco IP Phone

Last modified 2/15/2022

Your Cisco VoIP phone allows you to make calls using speed dial phone numbers you set up through the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal.

Before You Begin

Your VoIP phone allows you to set up phone numbers for use with the speed dial feature. To do this, you must log in to the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal. For more information please review the following article:

Each speed dial phone number you set up is associated with a one or two-digit number known as an Abbreviated Dial Number. The abbreviated dial number for each of your speed dials is found in the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal. For example, the first speed dial number you set up is tied to abbreviated dial number 1.

Make a Call Using Speed Dial

To make a call using speed dial, do the following:

  1. Press the Abbreviated Dial Number associated with the phone number you want to call.
    1a. For example, to call the first speed dial you set up, press 1.
  2. Press the AbbrDial button.

Your VoIP phone will begin calling the the speed dial phone number.

Getting Help

For technical assistance, you can Submit a Help Ticket to the Technology Support Center, or you can call them at (309) 438-4357 or by email at

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