
Configuring Email Attachment Settings for your Listserv

Last modified 2/14/2022

As a listserv owner, you can control how your listserv handles email attachments.

Before You Begin

As a listserv owner, you can control how your listerv handles email attachments by logging in to the Listserv Management website at For more information please review the following article:

You can configure your listserv’s attachment settings in the following ways:

  • Allow All Attachments - Allow messages with attachments to be posted to your listserv. If you want to ensure that all messages can be posted to your listerv, you should choose this option. This is the recommended configuration.
  • Specify Attachment Types - You can specify a list of allowed attachment types, if necessary. To do this, you must have an understanding of MIME types. Based on your listserv configuration, messages that contain attachments which are not on the list of allowed file types will either be rejected and returned to the sender, or they will have their attachments stripped (and then the messages will be delivered to the listserv).
  • Block All Attachments - You can block all attachments from being posted to your listserv. Depending your listserv configuration, messages that contain attachments will either be rejected and returned to the sender, or they will have their attachments stripped (and then the messages will be delivered to the listserv).


Unless you have a reason to block or limit attachments on your listserv, we recommend allowing all attachments. This will be the most convenient listserv configuration for your subscribers.

Configure Attachment Settings for Your Listserv

  1. Log in to Listserv Management at
  2. Expand the List Management tab.
  3. Click on List Configuration.
  4. Once a list is selected from the first field, you may scroll down to view the List Header Details.
    1. You can either manually edit, or edit with the Wizard by clicking the related button above the current header.
    2. In this case, the "Attachment=" attribute would need to either be added or modified and setting it to the desired configuration.


The following document describes the allowed parameters in which the article will need to be updated with these available settings (yes, no, all, etc..).
There is no GUI option for this feature like the docs suggested for Listserv version 16.0, so owners will need to work with the list header instead.

 To configure your listserv’s email attachment settings, do the following:

  1. Log in to Listserv Management at
  2. Click List Management List Dashboard.
  3. Click Configure beneath the listserv you want to manage.
  4. Click the Access Control tab.
  5. Locate the Attachments field.
  6. Click the drop-down menu and select the desired attachment setting.
    6a. Click the Question ? Mark icon next to Attachments to read about these settings in the LISTSERV system documentation. If you are interested in only allowing certain types of files, you should have an understanding of MIME types.
  7. Click Save after making your choice.

Needing Assistance? 

For Technical Assistance, Submit a Help Ticket, or contact the Technology Support Center by calling (309) 438-4357, or by email at 

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