
Requesting a Pharos/uPrint Refund

Last modified 2/24/2025

To receive a refund for a print job with an error (such as didn’t print, printed blank pages, or printed illegibly) from a Pharos/uPrint System, you will want to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Submit Detailed Request (Figure 1).

    Figure 1:

  3. Log in if you are asked to do so (Figure 2).

    Figure 2:
    Logging in
  4. Click the option Request a uPrint Refund, located in the Student Requests tab (Figure 3)

    Figure 3:

  5. Fill out the Request Form (Figure 4)

    Figure 4:
    Filling out the Request Form
    1. Enter your Preferred Phone Number.
    2. Enter the Building where the uPrint station is located.
    3. Enter the Room Number where the uPrint station is located.
      1. If you have the Tag Number of the printer, that can act as a substitute for the building and room number.
    4. Enter the Date and Approximate Time the issue occurred.
      1. This is needed to verify your uPrint refund, please make sure to include this.
    5. Enter the Cost of the print job.
    6. Describe what happened with the print job.
      1. e.g., Printer out paper or ink, paper got stuck, etc.
  6. Click Save in the upper right-hand corner, next to the Short Description field to submit the request (Figure 4, above)

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