
Request Voice Mail Notifications via Email

Last modified 2/15/2022

Copies of voice mail messages left on University Cisco desk phones may be sent to ISU email accounts as attachments. To request this feature, perform the following:

  1. Go to and click Submit Detailed Request.
  2. Enter your ULID and password.
  3. Click the Phones and Networking tab.
  4. Click the link for Request a non-standard phone service and complete the form.
  5. Click the Save button to submit your request.

Unified Messaging Notifications

Faculty and Staff who have this feature enabled will receive email notifications to their Microsoft 365 email accounts informing them when a voice message has been left on their University Cisco desk phone. When a voice message has been left, they will receive an email from “Unity Connection” to "", where the x’s represent their 5-digit campus phone number. There will be a file attached to the email entitled, “VoiceMessage.wav”. The message may be listened to by double-clicking on the attachment.

The attachment received in the email is linked to the voicemail server. Marking the email as read clears the new voicemail notification on your desk phone. Deleting the email with the voicemail attachment will also delete the voicemail from your phone. If you find that you need to recover a deleted voicemail email, you can move the email from your Deleted Items folder to your Inbox folder in Outlook to avoid the email being permanently deleted. The sound file attachment may also be downloaded and saved like any file. The email with the attachment is treated like a regular email so it can be forwarded, saved in Outlook subfolders, and have rules created for inbox processing.

How to Get Help

For technical assistance, Submit a Help Ticket or contact the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357, or by email at

See Also: