
Unable to Log in to Microsoft 365

Last modified 8/8/2024

Possible Solutions

User Login/Multiple Microsoft Accounts

To log in to the Microsoft 365 website, you must use your Illinois State University email address (e.g., and password. Unlike most other systems at the University, the Microsoft 365 website requires you to provide your full email address, rather than just your ULID (the first part of your email). Make sure to check that you are not logged in with a different Microsoft account other than your ISU account. This can cause various access issues across Microsoft Applications. 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

If the issue appears to be related to your Multi-Factor Authentication verification (MFA), please review the following article Sign in Using Multi-Factor Authentication.

Browser Cache

You may also need to clear your browser's cache. Instructions for doing so can be found in the following article: Clearing your Browser Cache and Cookies.
Trying an alternate browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge) or device (e.g., Cell Phone, another laptop or desktop computer or tablet) may also resolve the issue. 


We recommend using the Chrome or Firefox browser and a laptop or desktop computer to access Microsoft 365. While other browsers and devices may work just fine, we find that these browsers and devices have been the most reliable.

Check your Password

Your Microsoft 365 email password is the same password you use for all other Illinois State University sites. We recommend trying to log into Central Login by navigating to If you are unable to sign into this site, the problem is not related to your Microsoft 365 account, and is more than likely an issue with the credentials you are entering. In this case we recommend changing your password or going through account recovery to reset your password. To update/reset your password, navigate to and first try logging in using your ULID (first part of your email) as your username and your ISU password. If you are unable to log in to Account Management to reset your password, you can click the Forgot My Password option. For more information about changing your password or account recovery, see What If I Forget My ULID Password.

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: