If you are off-campus and need to pick up a file from SendTo, please follow the directions below:
- Navigate to the email that was sent to you from SendTo and open it (Figure 1)
- Click the blue hyperlink under the "Please click on the following link to download attachments:" message. Alternatively, you can click on the blue button labeled Download Files (Figure 1).
- You will be presented with a Login page with a field to Authorize. Enter your Email address into the Authorization Field and then click Authorize (Figure 2).
- Using the same device and browser, go back to your email's inbox and either click the Validate Email button (Figure 3) or enter the Validation Code in the Verify Field (Figure 4) in the new window that opens and then click Verify. If you fail to verify within 1 hour, your Validation Code will expire. If this happens, click the Resend Validation Email button to have a new code sent to you.
- Read the Terms of Service. If you agree to the terms, click the Accept the terms of service radial button, then click the Accept button to proceed (Figure 5).
- You can now download the attached files that were sent to you using SendTo by clicking on the file name next to Attached Files (Figure 6).
Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4 (Validation Code):

Figure 5:

Figure 6:

How to Get Help
Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: