
Discussions Basics in Canvas

Last modified 7/18/2024

The Discussion Index page allows you to view all the discussions within a course.


Your instructor may choose to hide the Discussions link in Course Navigation. 

Opening Discussions 

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.

Note: If the Discussions link is not available in Course Navigation, you can access course discussions through the Modules page.

Open Discussions

Viewing Graded Discussions 

If your discussion is a graded discussion, you can view the discussion the same way as regular discussions with additional information:

  • Graded Discussion details [1]: points and due date for the graded discussion, if any. Not all graded discussions may have a due date.
  • Discussion Menu [2]: Here you can search for a specific persons post, sort the order of posts, change the way you view the discussions, or expand out all posts. 
  • More Options [3]: Here you can find more options, to mark things as read, mark as unread, or view the rubric for the discussion. Not all discussions may have a rubric. Before submitting your reply, you may want to review the discussion rubric.
  • Reply to Main Discussion [4]: Select this button to reply to the main discussion thread
  • Reply to Individual Post [5]: Select this reply button to reply to an individuals discussion post 

Logging in to Canvas

Additional Canvas Information 

Instructure offers video guides for discussions here: Canvas: Discussions Overview Guide  as well as student guides for all your Canvas questions here: Student Guide - Instructure Community (

How to Get Help

Instructional assistance and knowledge for Canvas are available through the Illinois State University Center for Integrated Professional Development:

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: