
Collaborating with Others on a Qualtrics Survey

Last modified 7/5/2024

As a Qualtrics project (or survey) creator, the projects that you create will be stored in your individual account folder; as a result, you are the only person with access to the project. Adding a person as a collaborator to your project will allow the other person to have access to the survey. Collaborators can be added with varying levels of access to your project. For example, if you have students working on your project, you can give them permission to view the survey results, but not to edit the survey.

For more information on how you can collaborate with colleagues or students, please refer to the following Qualtrics knowledge base articles:


 By clicking either of the above links, you acknowledge that you wish to be taken to an external website not supported by Illinois State University.

Transferring Survey Ownership

As mentioned, project owners – or, those who created the survey – have full editing capabilities with the created survey(s) and they can control how much access collaborator(s) can have. 

However, if a project owner is no longer with the university, we highly recommend a collaborator (or another Qualtrics user) be given survey ownership so that someone still at Illinois State University has full survey ownership. Submit a ticket at Get IT Help with the following information:

  1. Name of the Qualtrics survey
  2. The previous survey owner
  3. The previous survey owner's username (ULID) 
  4. The name of the new survey owner
  5. The new survey owner's username (ULID) 

Submitting a ticket to transfer survey ownership can be done before or after the survey owner has left their position. Surveys and their data are stored in our Qualtrics site and not deleted, even if the survey owner has left; as a result, transferring survey ownership after the original survey owner can be completed after they left.

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