
How to Change Home or Mailing Address

Last modified 7/24/2024

This tutorial will be helpful for employees who need to change their home or mailing address.*


The Business Address and Business Phone of an employee (faculty or staff) are managed centrally. Since this data is used to programmatically share/feed to other systems on campus, changing business address or phone should be done through this form. If you have questions about the form or process, please reach out to

To navigate to your profile to change your home or mailing address, click on the TILE “My Profile” from your Employee page:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your profile page and click on the “Home/Mailing Addresses” button to edit your home or mailing address
  2. Click to add an address based on the address type* (if you have none to add, but need to edit an existing address, skip to step 4)
    Screenshot of where to add new addresses on Profile addresses page (Home, Mailing, Business, Billing, etc.)

    (* The “Mailing” address is the one that is used for W2’s, SURS, and CMS. The “Home” address is to identify residence.)

  3. Choose Option 1 or Option 2 below and follow the steps to add your new address
    Option 1: 
    Option 2: 
  4. Click on an existing address to edit (as needed), using step 3 above as a guide*

    (* The “Mailing” address is the one that is used for W2’s, SURS, and CMS. The “Home” address is to identify residence.)

  5. To exit, use the browser’s back button or close the browser window/tab and return to your iPeople homepage

How to Get Help

For more information on submitting time, please contact ISU Human Resources at (309) 438-8311

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: