
Setting Up a VPN on a ChromeBook

Last modified 3/21/2024

Chromebooks run on Chrome OS, which is based on the Linux kernel using the Google Chrome web browser as the basis for its user interface. As such, the OS primarily supports web applications and has a very limited subset of system applications. The built-in VPN connection is one such system application with limited ability and therefore is NOT recommended for use when attempting to connect to the ISU VPN. Instead, we recommend that you download and configure the Cisco Secure Client web application via the Chrome Store. The following article provides instructions on how to download the application, configure the application, and connect to the ISU VPN.

Download Cisco Secure Client

  1. Open the Chrome Browser.
  2. Navigate to
  3. Type Cisco Secure Client in the Search the store field.
  4. Under Apps, you should see Cisco Secure Client listed.
  5. Click Add To Chrome.
  6. In the pop-up that appears, verify the installation by clicking Add app.

Configure Cisco Secure Client

  1. Click on the App Launcher button
  2. Click the Secure Client Icon to start the configuration process 
  3. In the Secure Client window, select Add New Connection
  4. In the Name field, enter ISU VPN or any other name you choose. (For the purpose of this article, we will refer to it as ISU VPN)
  5. For Server Address, enter
  6. Click Save Changes and exit out of the application window.

Connect to the ISU VPN using Secure Client

Depending on what Chrome system/update you are on, you may need to try both of these options.

Option 1:

  1. Click on the time in the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Click VPN off  and switch it to on
  3. Select ISU VPN (user) 
  4. In the pop-up, Group should be preset to β€“ISU–.
  5. Enter your ULID into the Username field and your ULID password into the Password field, and click Submit.
  6. Authenticate your login with your set-up authentication method
  7. You should see a message in the window that says, β€œWelcome to ISU.” Click Accept.
  8. To verify that you are connected, click VPN on and it should say "ISU VPN (user) connected." 

- To disconnect from the ISU VPN connection, click on Connected to ISU VPN(user) in the connections list, then click the blue Disconnect button.

Option 2: 

  1. Click the Wifi settings in the bottom right corner
  2. Click the Cog 
  3. Navigate to Network Settings
  4. Select ISU VPN 
    1. Follow the prompts to login
    2. Authenticate your login
  5. Click OK

Needing Assistance?

For technical assistance, please Submit a Help Ticket, or contact the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357 or by email at

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