

Last modified 1/4/2024

RegisterBlast is an exam registration software used within Canvas that allows instructors to submit exams to the ISU Testing Center. This also allows students to schedule exam appointments within their specific Canvas courses. Once an exam is submitted, a testing center administrator will approve it, and an email will go out to the instructor, letting them know the exam is ready to be taken.  For more information on what RegisterBlast is and what it can provide, please see the following link: RegisterBlast.

Enabling RegisterBlast in Canvas 

Before you begin, you must ensure RegisterBlast is enabled within your Canvas courses Navigation menu. Please take a look at the following article for managing hidden tools in your Canvas course Navigation menu. Managing Canvas Course Navigation Links

Do Not Use Safari When Launching RegisterBlast From Canvas

RegisterBlast will not launch from Canvas when using the Safari browser. Please choose a different web browser if you are using RegisterBlast within Canvas.

  • Create and Edit an Exam Submission Using RegisterBlast

Creating, viewing, editing, and cloning an exam submission using RegisterBlast in Canvas is a straightforward process. Please take a look at the following article for more information: Creating and Editing an Exam Submission Using RegisterBlast in Canvas

Note: Before trying to create an exam submission, make sure RegisterBlast is enabled within your Canvas navigation bar: Managing Canvas Course Navigation Links

  • Registering For an Exam in RegisterBlast

In RegisterBlast you can register for both ISU course-related exams and non-ISU related exams. Please see the following link for more information. Registering For an Exam Using RegisterBlast

  • Retrieve an Exam Status in RegisterBlast

Retrieving exam info in RegisterBlast is a great way to obtain information on your students exam status. Please see the following article for more information on this: Retrieve an Exam Status in RegisterBlast

Getting Help

For technical assistance, you can Submit a Help Ticket, or contact the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357 or by email at For updates on exam submissions or RegisterBlast help, you can contact Testing Services at or by phone at (309) 438-2100.