
Adding and Deleting Users in Microsoft Teams

Last modified 9/20/2023

Use the steps below for managing users in Microsoft Teams. These steps assume that you are the Team owner, or you have been assigned the right permissions to add or delete a user for that team/channel.

Removing a User from a Team

  1. Click on the Team name.
  2. Click on the 3 dots (ellipsis) for More Options.
  3. Click Manage Team.
  4. Expand the Members & Guests menu.
  5. Locate the person you wish to remove and click on the X to the far right of their name.

Removing another Team Owner

  1. Click on the Team name.
  2. Find the Individual who is currently assigned owner.
    2a. You must also have the 'owner' role in order to modify an owner.
  3. Click on the drop-down menu to the far right of their name and change Owner to Member.
  4. From here you can leave the user as a member (if they are to remain in the team), or you can remove them from the team using the steps above in 'Removing a User from a Team.'

Adding a User to a Team

  1. Click on the Team name.
  2. Click on the 3 dots (ellipsis) for More Options.
  3. Click Manage Team.
  4. Click the Add Member button in the upper right-hand corner.
  5. Type in the name of the person you are wanting to add to the team and then click the Add button.

For a visual representation of these steps, view the video below on How to Add and Remove users from Microsoft Teams.

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