
Recovering contents in Canvas

Last modified 9/26/2023

Course Recovery

This process is to recover deleted contents within a course. This process will not recover the entire course itself. To recover an entire course, please submit a ticket to Technology Support Center here with information about the Module you are wanting to recover

Content Recovery 

  1. Sign into your Canvas account
  2. Select the class course you deleted the module from
  3. Once you are in the class course, hover your mouse cursor over the web URL and click at the end of the URL
  4. Type the following at the end of the URL → "/undelete" (See Figure 1)
    1. Figure 1

  5. This will then take you to a new window where it will show a list called "Restore deleted Items"
  6. Find the content you want to restore and click on the Restore button next to it. 
    1. You might be asked by the browser "Are you sure you want to restore "Name of item"?". Click on Ok (See Figure 2)
      Figure 2
  7. Once you have done so, you should be able to navigate through your course navigation bar and find the content