
YouTrack Error: You do not have permissions to view this page

Last modified 9/18/2023

When logging in to YouTrack, you receive an error message (see below).


When you log in to YouTrack, you receive the following message:

'You do not have permissions to view this page.'

This message prevents you from accessing information in YouTrack.


The message shown above is returned when you log in but have not been granted access to YouTrack.

If you believe you should have access to YouTrack but see this message when you log in, then the most likely cause is that you have not yet been been assigned to a role or group in YouTrack.

To request access to YouTrack, contact the Technology Support Center (see contact information in the Technical Assistance section below). The Support Center will create an incident for you and send it to administrators for fulfillment. You will be notified via email that your access has been granted or denied when the Request has been closed.