
Microsoft 365 3rd Party App Consent Requests

Last modified 3/6/2025

Many 3rd party applications include connectors to Microsoft 365 applications like Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive to provide enhanced capabilities while using the app - when a user attempts to use those connectors it generates what is known as an "app consent", an automated response regarding next steps to use the application with Microsoft 365. Illinois State University members may only connect University-approved applications to the ISU Microsoft 365 environment. This has been done to better protect University accounts and data, as well as to ensure all software being utilized on campus adheres to acceptable legal, security, and accessibility standards.

Not all 3rd party app consent requests require review - those that are requesting low risk access and are verified by Microsoft are automatically approved. These apps are subject to periodic review and access may be revoked as needed. Allowing access from a 3rd party app to the University's Microsoft 365 environment does not mean that the University endorses or provides support for the 3rd party app. 

Applications that do not involve low risk access and have not yet been reviewed/approved by the University, as well as applications that have previously been reviewed and denied by the University, will not be able to be connected to the ISU MS365 environment. The user experience will be as follows:

  • Approval Required: If an app has not yet been approved or denied by the University, users attempting to connect the app to their ISU Microsoft 365 account will receive a message stating that approval is required and inviting them to submit a request for approval. 
  • Approved: If an app has been approved by the University, users will simply be able to connect the app to their ISU account.
  • Denied: If an app has been denied by the University, users will receive a message stating they will not be able to connect the app to their ISU account.

For more information about the above scenarios or to view a list of currently approved or denied apps, please expand the relevant section(s) below. To request a new 3rd party app connection to Microsoft 365, please fill out this form. For more information about the Academic Software Request Process, review this knowledge article: Requesting Academic Software.  

  • Approval Required

Users attempting to connect to an app that the University has not yet approved or denied for integration with the ISU Microsoft 365 environment will be presented with a pop-up message stating that approval is required. To begin the request process, enter a justification for the app request in the field provided and click Request Approval (see Figure 1):

Note: Only current ISU faculty and staff members are permitted to request approval to connect new applications to the ISU Microsoft 365 environment. Students or non-current faculty/staff who submit requests will receive a response stating that a current faculty/staff member must make any such request. Students who believe they have a legitimate academic need for an app must work with their instructor, who will need to submit any request for approval.

Application approval requests must go through a review process involving multiple University departments, and may include submission of a Data Usage Form (DUF), an accessibility review, and other steps. The approval process may take multiple months. Please be aware of this before submitting your request.

Figure 1:

A request ticket will be generated and sent to the ISU Technology Support Center. You will receive a response regarding the status of your request.

  • Approved Applications

Applications that have been explicitly reviewed and approved for ISU members to connect with the ISU Microsoft 365 environment include the following. Please note that this list does not include all apps that can be connected without further approval to the ISU Microsoft 365 environment - 3rd party apps that require only low risk access are automatically approved and are not included in this list. Allowing access from a 3rd party app to the University's Microsoft 365 environment does not mean that the University endorses or provides support for the 3rd party app. 

Approved Apps:

Application Name:

Additional Information:

Adobe Acrobat 
Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF 
Adobe Identity Management (OIDC) 
Apple Internet Accounts 
Agile Task Board for Teams 
Asana for Teams 
Attach OneDrive Files to Asana 
Analytic Solver Add-in 
Book ScanCenter 
Connect OneDrive ChromeOS 
Excel Online 
Filevine MS Graph 
Filevine Shard - fv-prod-us-shard-m 
Microsoft events 
Microsoft Flow Launch Panel 
Minecraft Education Edition 
Patch My PC Cloud 
Symplicity Sync 
Titanium Schedule Calendar Sync 
Zoom for InTune 
Zoom for OneDrive 

ISU users attempting to connect any of the above-listed applications to the ISU Microsoft 365 environment will be able to do so without further approval steps.

  • Denied Applications

Applications that have been previously reviewed and explicitly denied by the University for integration with the ISU Microsoft 365 environment include:

Application NameReason for DenialSuggested Workarounds


Atlassian (Jira) ISU does not have a contract for this product.NA
CalendlyDue to their new requirements for shared calendar permission.NA
Fetch RewardsApp is not related to teaching/learning/work.NA
FizzApp is not related to teaching/learning/work.NA
GoodNotesISU does not have a contract with this vendor.

OneNote is the recommended workaround. More information about OneNote may be found at:

MinitabLicensing for Minitab is tracked individually by the Techzone Service Center.

University members may request a Minitab license through the TechZone Service Center following the directions in the knowledge article linked below:

Notability ISU does not have a contract with this vendor.

OneNote is the recommended workaround. More information about OneNote may be found at:

OneDriveThis is related to a connection with ICIMS, and not a Microsoft product. ICIMS is not related to  teaching/learning/work.


OneDrive and SharePoint for Zoom Team ChatThis app automatically moves a OneDrive file shared in Zoom chat to "shared with everyone", requiring users to  have to go back and change the sharing setting. This is risky and undermines a recent change to our campus-wide OneDrive default sharing settings.

The workaround we would recommend is to share the OneDrive link to meeting participants through OneDrive. 

PollyISU does not have a contract with this vendor.

Microsoft Polls is the recommended workaround. More information about using Microsoft Polls for Teams may be found at:

reMarkableISU does not have a contract with this vendor (reMarkable Connect)NA
reMarkable Integrations OneDriveISU does not have a contract with this vendor (reMarkable Connect)NA
ShopApp is not related to teaching/learning/work.NA
Zoom (Calendaring integration only)Due to their new requirements for shared calendar permission. NA

If a university member attempts to connect an application to the ISU Microsoft 365 environment that has previously been reviewed and explicitly denied by the University for this purpose, they will be unable to do so and will receive either the Approval Required prompt or a message stating they will be unable to connect to their University account with the app.

Appeals Process

If a current faculty or staff member feels this denial is in error, or feels that additional information may change the case for using the app, they may contact the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357, or by email at to provide the additional context. The Technology Support Center will then forward the appeal for consideration. Non-current faculty/staff members, students, and others must work with a current faculty/staff member if they are interested in appealing a denial.

  • Applications Currently Under Review by the University

Below are applications currently under review by the University:

Note: The approval process may take multiple months to complete.

App Name/Vendor

Request Status

Access DatabasePending Review
CronofyInitial Approval Complete and Currently In Compliance Review
GmailInitial Approval Complete and Currently In Compliance Review
Kahoot!On Hold
NearpodOn Hold
NearPod iOSOn Hold
PreziPending Review
Samsung EmailInitial Approval Complete and Currently In Compliance Review

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: