
Delete Unreserved Appointments in Achieve

Last modified 2/16/2024

If there is an unreserved appointment in Achieve and you need to delete it, this can be accomplished in the new Achieve platform.

If you have an unreserved appointment that you need to delete in the old Achieve platform, follow the steps to block the appointment. 

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to
  2. Log in with your ULID and password.
  3. Expand the Staff menu on the left side of the screen using the plus ( + ) sign.

    Image of Achieve menu with Staff option
  4. In the expanded Staff menu, select Manage Time Slots. This will open the Manage Time Slots page.

    Image of expanded Staff menu with Manage Time Slots
  5. Click the radio button next to Delete unreserved appointment time slots.

    Delete unreserved appointment and block availability radio button

  6. Using the corresponding dropdown menus, select your Department and your Program. Choose your name from the Staff dropdown menu. 

    Image of Department, Program, and Staff dropdown menus
  7. Select the date range and time range from which you want to block appointments using the From Date and To Date dropdown menus. For each field, use the Date and Time tabs to choose the dates and times.

    To ensure that you are using the selected dates, click the Set button at the bottom of the Date and Time tabs.

    Image of From Date and To Date fields and Date and Time tabs
  8. Click the Show Appointments button. A list of your unreserved appointments will appear.

    Show Appointments button
  9. Click on the checkbox next to the appointment(s) you would like to delete. Then, click the Delete Appointments button. 

    Delete Appointments button and checkbox next to appointment to delete

Getting Help

Technical assistance is available through the Technology Support Center by phone at (309) 438-4357; by email at; or by using the website to either submit a ticket or use the Live Chat feature.