
What are Time Reporting Codes (TRC)?

Last modified 7/24/2024

Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) are categories of time for employees to use within the iPeople system to accurately report work time and/or time away from work. Employees need to select a time reporting code for each type of absence including illness, vacation, holiday, etc.

How to use TRCs?

  1. Navigate to your timesheet
  2. Make sure the Date is for the correct pay period
  3. Enter the number of hours you worked - or were away from work under the date heading and on the same row for the specific TRC (if your time was pre-populated in the 1st row and you need to report a different TRC for that day, simply move the time to a new row*)
  4. Click on the TRC drop-down and select the code for that particular row (your 1st row may already have the default TRC pre-populated)

Screenshot of Sample Timesheet, showing where to check the date field, how to add hours on a new row, and where to select the TRC.

*To enter a new blank row, use the "plus" sign to the far right on the bottom row of your timesheet.

How to Get Help

For more information on Time Reporting Codes, please contact ISU Human Resources at (309) 438-8311

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: