
Registering For an Exam Using RegisterBlast

Last modified 1/4/2024

You can register for any Illinois State University exam through your Canvas course page. You can also register for any ISU or non-ISU exam that the Testing Center provides by accessing the following link: RegisterBlast Exam Sign UpNote: If you are an ISU student, you will login in with your normal ULID and password. 

Do Not Use Safari When Launching RegisterBlast From Canvas

RegisterBlast will not launch from Canvas when using the Safari browser. Please choose a different web browser if you are using RegisterBlast within Canvas.

  • Registering for an ISU course exam in RegisterBlast using Canvas

To register for an ISU course related exam using RegisterBlast, please follow along with the instructions below.

1. Navigate to the course where you need to register for an exam and choose RegisterBlast in the Navigation side menu.

Once in RegisterBlast you will see a list of exams for your course. This list will include all exams within that course, including ones you may not be allowed to take (Figure 1). NOTE: If you chose an exam you are not allowed to take you will see the following error (Figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2

2. Once you have chosen the correct exam, the first four fields in the image below will auto-populate with the correct information. Review this information, make sure it is all correct, then move one to step 5 to select a date. Figure 3.

Figure 3

3. The next section will ask you to choose a time and date to take the exam. Note: When the calendar is brought up, only the dates in bold can be chosen. Figure 4.

Figure 4

4. The next section will auto fill with your information and ask if you would like to receive text message notifications. Figure 5.  

Figure 5

5. If you chose to opt in for the text message notifications, you will receive texts alerts when you schedule an exam, 24 hours before your exam, and any updates that could potentially affect your exam. Figure 6.

Figure 6

6. The final section will ask you to acknowledge the Testing Center's rules. Make sure you check the box, marking that you agree, and click the green Add to Cart button.  Figure 7

Figure 7

7. After clicking Add to Cart, you will be brought to your shopping cart. In here you can see the exams you have added to your cart, delete exams from your cart, and add more exams to your cart. When you are ready to schedule your exam hit the green Ready to checkout button. Note: You will not be charged for any ISU related exams.  Figure 8.

Figure 8

8. Once you have completed the check out process you will receive a confirmation email letting you know you have successfully scheduled your exam. Figure 9.

Figure 9

  • Registering for a CLEP or non ISU exam

If you are needing to register for a non ISU exam, you can do this through RegisterBlast. You will follow the same steps as you would for registering for an ISU course exam, but in the Choose a group section you will want to make sure you choose which exam group you are needing to take (CLEP, ALEKS, or External). In the Choose an exam section, you will see multiple options depending on the group you chose, make sure to choose the correct exam. Figure 1.

Figure 1

CLEP Exam Charges

All students will be charged a $25 fee for CLEP exams. The following statement will appear on your payment method of choice. 

Getting Help

For technical assistance, you can Submit a Help Ticket, or contact the Technology Support Center at (309) 438-4357 or by email at For updates on exam submissions or RegisterBlast help, you can contact Testing Services at or by phone at (309) 438-2100.