
Adjusting the Screen Brightness on your Cisco IP Phone

Last modified 2/21/2025

Your VoIP phone allows you to adjust the brightness of its display screen.

To adjust the brightness on your VoIP phone so it is easier to read, do the following:

  1. On your VoIP phone, press the Settings button.
  2. With User Preferences highlighted, press the Select button.
  3. Use the arrow pad to highlight Brightness.
  4. Press the Select button.
  5. Do one or more of the following:
    5a. Repeatedly press the Down button to turn down the brightness, which makes the display darker.
    5b. Repeatedly press the Up button to turn up the brightness, which makes the display lighter.
    5c. The gradient boxes are there to help you adjust your phone’s brightness. When you are done adjusting the brightness, you should still be able to make out each gradient box.
  6. When you are done adjusting the brightness, press the Save button.

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at: