Overview Articles

Last modified 11/9/2021

Basic information regarding the application or service.

Who Can Access?

Description on who has access to this application or service (faculty, staff, student).

How to Activate License (Optional)

Steps on how to activate licenses if additional steps are needed.

How to Use App/Service

Listing of all how to articles.

Subheadings (Optional)

Subheadings may be required to differentiate basic settings from advanced settings, faculty/staff ability versus student, etc.

Best Practices (Optional)

Listing of best practice articles (if applicable). These articles will contain the setting to use along with the steps to enable/disable and a brief explanation of what it does, things to know when using it, etc.

Basic Troubleshooting

Listing of any articles/providing information outlining common problems with the app/service and how to troubleshoot them.

Known Issues

List any current known error articles for the app/service.

Additional Resources

Any useful resources or documentation available from vendors or functional department(s).

Still Need Assistance?

Functional Support (if available): Functional support unit contact information.

Technical Support: Technology Support Center (or other technical team) contact information.