Endpoint Management

Understanding Bootstrap in macOS Catalina and Big Sur

Last modified 11/17/2020


This guide will help you understand the Bootstrap feature in macOS Catalina and Big Sur.

Getting Started

What is Bootstrap?

A feature in macOS 10.15 and later, that is used to facilitate granting SecureTokens to users.

How do you Enable Bootstrap?

There are 3 different ways for Bootstrap to be enabled:

  1. If the macOS computer goes through Setup Assistant and an account is created, Bootstrap is enabled.
  2. If the macOS computer skips account creation, Bootstrap is disabled, if you login to the computer with a user that has a SecureToken, Bootstrap will become enabled.

  3. You can use terminal commands to enable BootStrap.

    sudo profiles install -type bootstraptoken

Who Automatically gets a SecureToken with Bootstrap Enabled?


  • Mobile Account on Login
  • Managed Admin from Prestage profile on Login

Big Sur

  • Any account that logs into the system