
Schedule an Appointment for a Student in an Existing Time Slot in Achieve

Last modified 5/13/2024

An alternative way to schedule an appointment for a student is to schedule their appointment to an advisor’s existing appointment block. If there is a time slot open in an advisor’s appointment slot, a student can be added to it.

Schedule an Appointment for a Student in an Existing Time Block in Achieve

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to
  2. Log in with your ULID and password.
  3. Expand the Staff menu on the left side of the screen using the plus ( + ) sign.

    Image of Achieve menu with Staff option
  4. In the expanded Staff menu, select Appointments. This will open the Appointments page.
  5. At the top of the page, there are two tabs that you can use to reserve an appointment for a student: Appointments by Staff and Appointments by Month.

    Use the Appointments by Staff tab to view all appointments available during a specified week. Use the purple arrows to navigate between each week. 

    Appointments by Staff tab

    Use to Appointments by Month tab to view all appointments for an entire month. Use the calendar icon to select a different month. 

    Appointments by Month tab

    Appointments by Staff 

  6. In the Appointments by Staff tab, reserve an appointment for a student by selecting the time of the appointment. 
  7. This will open a window with information about the appointment. Click the Reserve button (Figure 1). 
  8. This will open an additional window. Select the radio button next to Search in all students (active + inactive) (Figure 1). 
  9. In the Search Student search bar, search for the student by ULID or name (using the format Last Name, First Name). If there is a Questionnaire associated with the time slot, answer the questions marked "Required"; required questions are marked by an asterisk ( * ) next to each question (Figure 1). 
  10. Select the Reserve Appointment button (Figure 1).

    Figure 1:
    Reserve Appointment window

    Appointments by Month

  11. In the Appointments by Month tab, reserve an appointment for a student selecting the number in the column of the date for which the student would like to sign up for an appointment. If the number is "0", there are no appointments available for that day. 

    Appointments by Month page with appointment links

  12. In the Appointment Date window that appears, select the Reserve link in the row of the time slot.

    Reserve link

  13. In the Search Student search bar, search for the student by ULID or name (using the format Last Name, First Name). If there is a Questionnaire associated with the time slot, answer the questions marked "Required"; required questions are marked by an asterisk ( * ) next to each question. 
  14. Select the Reserve Appointment button.

Getting Help

Technical assistance is available through the Technology Support Center by phone at (309) 438-4357; by email at; or by using the website to either submit a ticket or use the Live Chat feature.