
Submitting a 75-hour Appeal

Last modified 9/22/2023

You can submit a 75-hour appeal through the web portal.

Before You Begin

Students at Illinois State University are expected to declare a major by the time they have completed 75 course hours.

As you approach this deadline, you will receive multiple notifications warning you of failing to meet this requirement. You will also be informed of the 75-hour appeal process in which you must describe your plan for admission to a major.

As a student who has completed 75 course hours but has not declared a major, you must complete the 75-hour appeal process to remain a student and continue to be eligible for financial aid.

You can access the 75-hour appeal application through the web portal. This application is only available to current students. For more information, please review the following articles:

75-Hour Appeal Application

To complete the 75-hour appeal application, do the following:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Academics tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click 75-Hour Appeal Application in the Advising and Planning section.
  4. Review the the appeal policy.
  5. Click Launch Application.
  6. Follow the directions to complete the application.

How to Get Help